


Te Ruunanga o Ngaati Mahuta ki te Hauaauru

E ngaa hau ora o te uru, nga hau moana, ngaa hau whenua, ngaa hau maiangi, teenei te hau aawhiowhio e karanga mai nei,

Nau mai, hoki mai, whakatau mai kia purea e ngaa hau o te kaainga!

A tribe within the Waikato iwi, Ngaati Mahuta ki te Hauaauru embodies Waikato's strength, resilience, and cultural heritage.

As Kaitakiaki of Te Ahurei, where Tainui waka lays, our history stretches back centuries; Ngaati Mahuta ki te Hauaauru has carved a unique and independent identity while honouring the connection to inland Waikato origins. Mahuta ki uta, Mahuta ki tai!

He mihi

Tau ana ki runga i te tihi o Oorangiwhao

Titiro whakararo ko te Oohaki ki runga Kooraha.

Hoki whakamuri ki ngaa tai papaki o Honipaka.

Taapapa atu ki te paataka ngaru o Paparoa.

Whakarongo kau ana ki te tangi uru moana o te one.

Whaatoro atu ki te ruku hiinaki ki te roto o Tahaaroa.

Rewa mai ki te Tahaaroa runga Aaruka.

Pikihia a Mangatangi te tihi okiokinga.

Tare whakararo atu ki Muriwhenua ki ngaa kooiwi o ngaa maatua tuupuna.

Ka tangi tonu te hau uru moana huri taiaawhio i te rohe o te Tahaaroa.

He Tangi noo mai raa ano, he tangi noo ngaa maatua tupuuna.

Whakawhiti atu ki Te Ahurei ki te waka Tainui ki Auau-kite-rangi ki runga Maketuu.

Huri Taiaawhio ko Ngaati Mahuta e!

Naa Taara Fred Kana ngaa kupu


“I hangahia ngaa marae oo Aaruka raaua Te Kooraha hei whakahuihui i te iwi hei whakaoti i ngaa whariki, aa , hei whakareri i ngaa kai moo Maketuu. - The two marae of Aaruka and Te Kooraha were built as places of assembly for the people to gather to complete mats and to prepare food for Maketuu."


He whenua haumako, he whenua haumaru i te hapuu o Ngaati Mahuta ki te Hauaauru.

Our Taiao is critical to the sustenance of life. We require all environments to exist and be healthy.

Explore our hapuu initiatives, projects, and stories highlighting our hapuu commitment to nurturing and protecting our taiao, ensuring its vitality and resilience for future generations.