Aaruka Marae
Ko Oorangiwhao te maunga,
Ko Mitiwai te awa
Ko Tahaaroa te whare tuupuna
The values of Aaruka Marae derive from the traditions of Ngaati Mahuta ki Te Hauaauru and Waikato iwi. Our tuupuna ingrained the importance of protecting our knowledge within these values.
Emphasising exclusivity, refrainment, and reservation of maatauranga o Te Hauaauru. As we move through the various spaces, we look at this kooorero to guide us.
In our worldview, people are the life force of the marae. Without people, our marae loses its mana. Without the marae, people have no mana.
Aaruka Committee
Delwyn Hepi Chairman
Jess Haunga Co-Chair/ Secretary
Yvonne Armstrong Treasurer
Demond Te Uira Advisory/kaumatua
Lloyd Hepi Advisory/kaumatua
Leo Tuaupiki Advisory/kaumatua
Keith Kana
Toni Whitiora
Rhonda Kerr
Conny Huaki
Rian Thomas
Leigh Hepi
Whakakitenga Reps
Ngahinature Armstrong-Nield
Kahn Denton
Ngaa Marae Toopu Rep
Tina Te Uira- Kopua